Termite Treatment Termite Pest Control
About 300 million termites per year are killed in houses and homes in the United States. To eradicate them, homeowners must perform a dangerous process called termite treatment. This process involves using steel brushes with poison to coat the house, such as steel wool or steel wool powder, to eradicate the termites.
The process must be performed every year until the roots and wings of the termites are fully removed from the house. If it is missed, new insects will be brought into the home.
Termite Treatment Proposal
To obtain free inspection of your house, you can submit an application to the Urban Pest Control Pvt. Ltd. Hall by visiting the building at 241/2, Kamal Soroni Road, Mirpur, Dhaka
Email inquiries may be directed to the Building Services department by calling 01642008383.
Professional property inspectors and engineers perform visual inspections of the structure, estimating structural and environmental conditions. They evaluate condition and