Pest Control News Update or Pest Control Accidents in Bangladesh

Some Exterminator availing commercial pest control licence without having any training and institutional Education and Pesticides Guidelines. Some Thinks in Bangladesh that having some Chlorpyrifos and fumigant tablets means they are complete pest control company. Even some people are doing this business openly from the cleaning service background. That’s why recently two innocence children has been killed due having insufficient practical information about the fumigation process. Even in Bangladesh general people using this dangerous fumigant without having any knowledge of safe application. Fumigation is very risky job. We need have proper safety for applicators, proper safety preperation for the nearest inhabitants.

Best Regard
Md Abdul Momin, Applied Entomologist,B.Sc Hons in Zoology, MS in Applied Applied Entomology, Department of Zoolo gy, University of Rajshahi
+8801723057746 Imo, What’s App, Viber

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